The Venger Tactical Self-Protection Pistol Course (Formally Defensive Pistol) Level 2, 9 am to 5 pm, June 22nd, 2024, in Grand Island, NE.
The Venger Tactical Self-Protection Pistol Course (formally defensive pistol) level 2 (VTSPPC-2) is a 7-8-hour course designed to take lessons learned from the level 1 course and build on those skills. We will show you ways to draw your handgun from your holster, acquire a target and engage a threat while being aware of your surroundings. The class will begin with a review of the level 1. We will conduct some slow-aimed fire and go over moving while shooting to knock the rust off. We will go over shooting positions and shoot around barricades and using them as cover to your advantage. Some of the new things you will see will be from scenarios we have seen in real life or past experiences. We will conduct a glass study so you know the effects of shooting through various types of glass so you know what to expect. The class will finish with some shooting exams that test you on lessons from the day. We hope to see you there! For more information email
Required: Semi-automatic handgun w/2 extra mags (3 total), an outside-the-waistband holster, belt mounted mag pouch that can hold at least 2 extra pistol mags, 450 rounds of ammunition, motivation.
*We have a couple handguns for rent, please coordinate this prior to signing up for the course.
Email or call with any questions...